Saturday, March 31, 2012

Update on Booth 1

After a couple of seasons, I sold the signature doors to shake things up. There has been some new additions and our signature style items for props. I have a strong affection for Charlie the deer head. He has a very natural and serene expression. The work to preserve this elegant creature was so well done. Unfortunately, he is losing all his fur. in general. I think it is time for him to have a forever home with us.

After the drought last year, we are grateful to have rain. It is it is raining buckets full. Refreshing and cleansing. This is the time of year for the pine (yellow) pollen to cover everything out of doors. When I walk the dog I wear longer sleeves to prevent itching and I wash the dog's paws to rinse the pollen out. I have found it prevents them chewing paws...more itching. It is amazing how much appears. Blanketing everything with a bright layer of yellow.

The Walking Dead comes on this evening. I have to say I am a bit hooked. The zombies crack me up. Some of the characters, maybe all have so little common sense that it is just a relief to have them munched up. Instead of the dialog that takes up most of the show, I would like to see them preparing and take stock of needs for days to come. I certainly would not drink the well water after the zombie fell in...and how do they know it does not contaminate other wells...a little food for thought.

It reminds me of the hurricane that came our way. What a mess for all concerned! One thing I had not thought of that I pass to every is kind of obvious but can be forgotten. Small denominations of money...electronics go charging. ATM's dispense twenties before they run out or go down. Stores run out of change and can not sell items. People get desperate. It did not occur to me due to the fact that we have a deep pantry and extra supplies from sales. During the season of storms I have a list I double check and each year I add items I do not have. Over time it gets easy to be as ready as we can be. Now that I think about it .... a chain saw could be added. When I make requests of that nature my family laughs and makes jokes. We add enough to help neighbors and friends in need. The pets really liked the cool packs in the freezer. I wrapped them in a thin dish towel and slide them under the pets when they were napping. The grins on the dogs in appreciation were very funny. Time to go and make things a bit better. Remember knitting needles make a great sweater and a crazy weapon in in the hands of a woman on the edge. Wink! wink!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Antique Booth I

Due to a fondness for vintage and antiques I have set up three booths at the Antique Gallery in Spring. They each have a different decor to appeal to a variety of customer interests and styles. The first one I will introduce you to is the closest to my taste.

The back wall almost drove me to picking another space. I had been doing this for years and always repainted the walls. Mostly, to clean the space and a bit of feng shiu. The wall was well done for the time and that time had definitely passed. It neither looked good or vintage. The wall was ickey. It had a drywall putty texture of brick. I liked the cream and brick but the odd shade of yellow-green. Not pretty.

I decided a glaze of Ralph Lauren would make it better. Yeah, right! After two coats it was not even noticeable. The next course of action was to paint it. I went a purchased a can of R.L. River Rock paint. A brickish, brown tone. I love their colours. Natural with sand for texture. I had a bit of left over barn red from a home project. Then the fun began.

While painting and adding the red in to give it a more brick apearance, I noticed that the paint was not taking where there was putty.....Oh, rats! It is a form of plastic....I literally pounded and muscled paint on to the wall. the green is still there but looked more like moss or lichen. I could have done several booths in the time it took to work this back wall and two short bits on each side.

After I recovered from the paint job, I felt it was lovely. Being complimented on the look was a plus. After friends and customers say the like the booth very much. I do believe it is the paint on the walls that sets the mood.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

How I Got Kicked Off the Elevator at the Symphony

During the Christmas holidays our nephew mentioned he would like to go to the symphony. My dear father-in-law ordered the tickets and took all of us. It isn't often we get together. Part of the family lives in Thailand. We were happy to be together. The music was heavenly. During the intermission we met old friends having a good time all around.

It was time to return to the parking garage. We took the elevator...I had some gorgeous mules on but they are the sitting, standing kind. Stunning....not for real walking. Our men folk do not really get the dressy shoe thing. They are not made to walk fast or act as though we are hiking. The elevator dings and it was a free for all. Dignified people turned into a pack of heathens, cutting in line, shoving and pushing .........civilization crumbled! I was last on the elevator.

My back to the door facing my husband taking in the alarm goes off. I wait to see what it is all about. Men are saying "You have to get off"....uh, why me???  Such tell me to get off. The elevator was over weight. So we get off. Slightly miffed, I have thoughts of a book I read called Lord of the Flies. I am first!

Deep in my own thoughts of how rude the men were... I looked up. Every person in the foyer was looking at me.....a complete audience. Time for a stand up comedy routine. Think fast......."Yes, it was me but actually it was my purse that set off the alarm!!" It was a hit. Smiles all around. Forgetting, I was the two ton tilly (i am average, thank you kindly) that would have been the cause of the elevator to pummel two floors to our deaths.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Squirrel Incident

It was shortly after five p.m. Bartley had eaten his dinner of special bits and dry kernels. My husband burst in the front door after work. Bartley always runs to play and greet him. They play and go out to the backyard. I had mentioned it was time to go out with him or let him out.

Please note: Bartley shoves and has to be the first one out. There he goes...sniffing the beautiful green rye grass. THEN it happened with the husband standing in plain sight. A squirrel (the big guy) ran up to the dog and bonked him on the nose with his nose. The audacity! The unabashed hit and run. Poor Bartley...too stunned to respond.

 He is the tough one. The squirrel chaser...I should say squirrels. They have their own subdivisions in the trees and are very well fed. Corn fed by our neighbors. The Stinky Boy spent his time out guarding and being alert for those bold beasties. None dared him today and his wicked hunting ego has been restored. That back yard and all the possessions are His.

This table should fix it. A safe spot from the evil beast of a squirrel. I know this is my yard....yes...mine, mine, all mine. This is my yard. My yard...ZZzzzzzz!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

She said Cleaning for the New Year!!!

Holidays are over and we are getting in the mood for cleaning the place up for the New Year. I have cleaned out the refrigerator. No science more holiday food and no chocolate....but how can that be? Gotta put that one on a list. Now that food and the mountain of containers are under control. We turn to the scruffy one....he is starting to smell like a D-O-G!!!! The next thing on the list is bathe and groom Bartley. He is taken aback. The effort that goes into being stinky is a work of art. He is so thrilled.

Grooming our dogs would cost $30 each. $60 every two to three weeks adds up fast. Bathing at home takes 15 mins. Grooming is brushing often, Sundays clipping any paw fur and nails. I brush the dogs during the evening when we watch our shows. It keeps hair from getting everywhere. The bonding during the brushing is of the shelties we owned would even roll over to get under the legs and tummy areas. I prefer doing as much as possible for them. Being frugal doesn't hurt. It is routine for us so we do not even notice that it could be a chore. My babe is knock-kneed, duck footed and has hair issues. What is not to love?

Bartley Boy.....come here boy....bath time!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Howling in the New Year

Bartley is helping bring in the New Year. He will often turn and look to see if we are watching him. What a show off! We are still visiting family and friends. This week I have to put away the holiday decor and in general cleaning up after all the big fun. We enjoy cooking. January is detail the pantry and kitchen due to the wild and crazy cooking. I do not even want to show you the avalanche of containers from the family and freezer use. Love feeding people....therefore a love of cooking for them. Time to get back to work. Fun projects and thrifing to come.


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wings & a Halo

Just as we start up for "Big Fun", our sheltie took a turn for the worse. She was a walking noise maker. Barking at most things....large and small. We loved her very much and allowed her tenacious, happy personality to shine. She was funny and enjoyed being humorous. At 19lbs. she could belch like a frat brother. It was  hysterically funny that such a small thing could make such a huge noise. Creepy music made her bugged her. We were lucky to have her as a companion.

I must thank Dottie Angel's Tif for her generosity during the time we were dealing with Elsa's year long battle. I would get her quiet next to me and pet her while reading Tif's blog and gazing at the lovely photos. It was our place to go and cheer up. White clean walls, soft colours....handmade beauties. Yep, a wonderland all her own.

A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!